Show all Brand Architecture Branding Client Work Employer Branding Free Tools graphic design Inernal Brand Training Internal Brand Activation Internal Brand Training Naming Observations Rebranding Storytelling talent acquisition branding Visual Identity How Employees “Get” Brandby Caroline McNally Shannon joined Jacqueline Quasney, Personal Capital, and Scott Redick, Charles Schwab to talk brandby Caroline McNally The importance of employees who know and understand the brandby Shannon Riordan Congratulations to our client PayPal, one of the fastest growing brandsby Shannon Riordan It’s here – the rebrand master checklist!by Caroline McNally Internal Brand Training Program results in 75.4% improvementby Shannon Riordan Naming, Messaging, and Promotion of a New Internal Product Development tool for PayPal: Panoramaby Brad Hennig Project Highlight: Event Theme and Visual Identityby Shannon Riordan All Voices Matter, an Example from Our Work with SFMOMAby Caroline McNally