Meet Rupali. She is a Product Manager at a Nashville-based software company.

Originally based out of the office 5 days a week,

She recently relocated to a town further away from the office to take advantage of less expensive housing and a flexible work schedule.

With it, came other benefits to her personal and family life.

To get set up, Rupali used her company's home office guidelines to organize her space.

From her workspace at home, she met with her peers to talk about the latest product release.

Tuesdays and Thursdays in-office, and Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays working from home. In-office days will be for connecting and strategy.

Monday morning is busy with Rupali doing virtual pair programming with a colleague to complete sprint deliverables.

Late afternoon Monday is for personal time, because Rupali will be back online after dinner.

After the kids have gone to bed, Rupali completes her final code check in.

Tuesday morning is an in-person sprint planning followed by an afternoon brainstorming session in the office. The commute is longer, but it’s only two times a week.

During breaks from the day-long brainstorm, team members use alternate spaces to check emails, attend to private matters, or have side meetings.

Rupali uses the morning hours to get a work out in.

For her 1:00 meeting, she uses the online whiteboarding tool to facilitate a virtual ideation session with her team. Together, they work through a problem that she was struggling to solve on her own.

Rupali reserves a seat near her teammates for the first half of the day, and a lounge-area spot for quiet working time after lunch.

Rupali meets a colleague at the coffee bar for an afternoon meeting. On her way back to her seat, she fills up on sanitation supplies. Next stop: her assigned locker to grab walking shoes.

At the end of the day, Rupali conducts her weekly 1:1 as a walking meeting outside.

Rupali normally works from home on Fridays but this week she heads to the office to attend the monthly all-hands, conducted outdoors, because she likes to catch up with people outside her team.

Energized and feeling accomplished, Rupali is ready for the weekend!