Announcing a new strategic partner: TransgressiveX
January 3, 2017
We have partnered with a new, super smart, tech-based innovator in the customer insights space and can't wait to bring them around!
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We won an award!
October 30, 2016
We are one of Gramercy Institute's Most Valuable Partners in financial marketing
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PayPal moves to #90 in Interbrand’s Top Global Brands list
September 30, 2016
PayPal is soaring and we get to develop the company's first ever Global Brand Governance strategy
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Rebranding: Don’t just change your logo, retell your story
May 15, 2016
The biggest mistake companies make when rebranding is to explain it by making it about themselves. Resist the urge.
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7 Basic Tips for Logo Design Development
May 12, 2016
Don't cut corners on logo design - here are important tips to keep the design process on track.
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Shannon joined Jacqueline Quasney, Personal Capital, and Scott Redick, Charles Schwab to talk brand
April 7, 2016
A great talk happened today on Leveraging and Enhancing the Financial Brand in 2016 at The Grammercy Forum
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Happy New Year!
January 1, 2016
Here's to new brands and new beginnings in 2016. Happy New Year!
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